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Free local shipping for orders above S$130. High vibrational energy only. All crystals are master cleansed, charged and activated before delivery.
Free local shipping for orders above S$130. High vibrational energy only. All crystals are master cleansed, charged and activated before delivery.

Nellite (Neelite/Tigrina) Tumbled Stones

  • Stone of Femininity, Assertiveness and Grounding
    - I find this to be a “female” version of the popular Golden Tiger Eye for its gentler energy and still strongly assertive. It is a combination of Tiger Eye and Pietersite which make this a very grounding and energetic stone. 
    - It balances the fiery energy of Tiger Eye by anchoring the energy to Earth with Pietersite
    - Helps to boost self-confidence and true self-expression by communication and knowing what you want and strive for
    - Clear away the negative vibes and thoughts with positive ones to bring forth new opportunities and door openings
    - Improves creativity as it helps with activating your wisdom eye and promote clear thoughts
    - For females, it helps to balance mood swings and hormonal changes while for males, it is helpful with balancing the masculinity in you

    You are purchasing ONE piece of Nellite (Tigrina) Tumbled Stone
  • Measurement: Approx. 2.3-2.7cm in length
    Country of origin: Africa
    Chakra(s) Representation: Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus
  • Can be washed with water. Do not wash with soap.