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Free local shipping for orders above S$130. High vibrational energy only. All crystals are master cleansed, charged and activated before delivery.
Free local shipping for orders above S$130. High vibrational energy only. All crystals are master cleansed, charged and activated before delivery.

Lungs Health 清肺化痰


This premium tea series are specially concocted with TCM formulas that is gentle yet effective for all body constitutions. All tea will be energetically charged with pure intentions to bring forth healing and positive goodness to and for you. 

Targeted for: Bad cough, running nose, difficulty sleeping through the night, chest tightness/pain, bad complexion and breathing difficulties

Energetic sensing (by Sarah): Provides warmth to the heart and assist with release. Open heart = open mind = strength to do things differently and fiercely, acceptance of the past (may help with dealing emotional pain too)
Chakra(s) (by Sarah): Solar Plexus, Heart, Crown

Each set contains 15 sachets. Tea bags are individually packed.
FREE FROM: Sulphur, additives, sugar, pesticides, preservatives, caffeine

Ingredients: Dandelion Root, Platcodon Root, Chrysanthemum, Goki, Lalang Grass Rhizome, Licorice, Dried Orange Peel, Scaphium Affine, Polygonatum, Osmanthus
Recommended consumption: 1 sachet every 2-3 days
Taste profile (reviewed by Sarah): Herbaceous + Chrysanthemum
Instructions: For initial brew, pour 300ml of boiling water over 1 sachet. Steep for at least 10mins before consuming. Can reuse by refilling hot water.

**Note: Not recommended for pregnant women and those suffering from severe cold