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Free local shipping for orders above S$130. High vibrational energy only. All crystals are master cleansed, charged and activated before delivery.
Free local shipping for orders above S$130. High vibrational energy only. All crystals are master cleansed, charged and activated before delivery.

Fat Removing Lotus Leaf 袪脂荷叶


This premium tea series are specially concocted with TCM formulas that is gentle yet effective for all body constitutions. All tea will be energetically charged with pure intentions to bring forth healing and positive goodness to and for you. 

Sarah & Mum's favourite - Helps to feel lighter and relieves bloated stomach and it gives off the "feel good" factor energetically

Targeted for: Reduce cholesterol, body fat and prevent fat absorption, reduce swelling in face and feet, relieves constipation

Energetic sensing (by Sarah): Purging and detox, clear heavy and inactive energy residing in the body, gives off an assurance sensation that it is comfortable and “easy does it” to be safe and supportive of yourself.
Chakra(s) (by Sarah): Root

Each set contains 20 sachets. Tea bags are individually packed.
FREE FROM: Sulphur, additives, sugar, pesticides, preservatives
This tea contains trace amount (<2mg) of caffeine
(For comparison, Typical tea and coffee contains 9-40mg of caffeine per cup)

Ingredients: Oolong Tea, Dried Orange Peel, Cassia, Winter Melon, Lotus Leaf, Rose, Rice Beans, Pu’er Tea
Recommended consumption: 1 sachet per day
Taste profile (reviewed by Sarah): Fragrant Black Tea
Instructions: For initial brew, pour 300ml of boiling water over 1 sachet. Steep for at least 10mins before consuming. Can reuse by refilling hot water.

**Note: Not recommended for pregnant women and those suffering from severe cold.